Our articles about Pet Master

Pet Master 10 september 2021, free spins today

Find all the links for free spins and coins on Pet Master for the Friday 10th September 2021.

If you liked Coin Master, you will love Pet Master, a mobile game developed by the same publisher: Moon Active. In this game, the objective is the same: accumulate as many gold coins as possible by spinning the wheel. As in Coin Master, we quickly run out of spins, and there are three ways to get them: wait (because there are 5 spins per hour), pay or use official links provided by the publisher of Pet Master.

As you can see, as for Coin Master, there will be free links every day. By the way, if you want to use the free Coin Master links of the day, feel free to click on the article.

September 10, 2021 links for Pet Master, free spins

Every day there are often two links offered for Pet Master. The game is not yet available everywhere, so you will have to wait if you want to access it on your Android (Play Store) or iOS (App Store). Know that there is an APK for Pet Master, feel free to read the article of our colleagues Breakflip about it, in French.

Friday, September 10th, 2021

These links have been verified by us, so you are not at risk by using it. Be careful though, because some sites or applications promise you infinite spins in Pet Master, or offer you billions of free gold coins. These are scams!